
gaggle of geese造句


  1. This is home to flocks of ducks and gaggles of geese.
  2. It was not a gaggle of geese, but the dog gagging.
  3. At times one gaggle of geese would decide to turn and paddle left among a group that drifted to the right.
  4. There was even a gaggle of geese who rose out of a nearby pond to put on an impressive fly-over.
  5. "Fly Away Home " is a beautifully filmed story of a girl, her father and a gaggle of geese.
  6. It's difficult to find gaggle of geese in a sentence. 用gaggle of geese造句挺难的
  7. The relief shows the deceased standing facing his wife, who is smelling a lotus flower and has a gaggle of geese beside her.
  8. A millennium earlier, the Romans held the bird in high regard because a gaggle of geese supposedly warned them of invaders and saved Rome from the barbarians.
  9. Her way in art began, by her own words, like this : " Once, as a young girl, I was tending a gaggle of geese.
  10. But the American outfit does bring back a few beloved critters that the Cirque disdains : prancing white horses and a gaggle of geese, directed at eye level by a Hungarian midget.
  11. Baker's sits on high ground overlooking a few nearby farms, a gaggle of geese and, off in the distance, Mohonk Mountain House, the county's most renowned resort.
  12. For example, the goslings would imprint on Lorenz himself ( to be more specific, on his wading boots ), and he is often depicted being followed by a gaggle of geese who had imprinted on him.
  13. It's like a herd of sheep, a gaggle of geese, a pride of lions or a creep of radio talk show hosts . ( I made up that last one, actually, but I'm hoping it'll catch on .)
  14. Rilling, owner of the Yellow River Game Ranch in Lilburn, is frequently asked to relocate animals to his 24-acre compound, home to about 90 deer, a gaggle of geese and assorted cougars, bobcats, bison, rabbits, sheep and pigs.
  15. In " A Gaggle of Geese " ( 2017 ), Sansa schemes to seize control of the Iron Throne, making several enemies along the way; she is murdered in " A Battle of Bastards " ( 2020 ), leaving a string of suspects.
  16. He does so with the help of a bevy of assistants, whom he refers to as " my boys, " and peppers his art-making with breaks to tend a menagerie of pets, including a gaggle of geese he fondly calls " my family ."


  1. "gaggio"造句
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  5. "gaggle"造句
  6. "gaggled"造句
  7. "gaggles"造句
  8. "gaggling"造句
  9. "gagglings"造句
  10. "gaggomahal"造句

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